Nenad Petrović (chess problemist)

Nenad Petrović, (Zagreb, Austria-Hungary (now Croatia), September 7, 1907 – Zagreb, November 9, 1989) was a Croatian chess problemist.

Nenad Petrović was the first Croatian Grandmaster of chess composition[1] and World champion in 1947 in the solving of chess problems. In 1951 he started the chess problem magazine Problem which in 1952 became the official organ of the Permanent Commission for Chess Composition of FIDE (PCCC).

Petrović was the creator of the "Codex of chess composition", the starter and editor of 13 volumes of FIDE Albums, containing the best compositions from the period 1914-1982. From 1956 he was the vice-president, and from 1958 the president of PCCC. He organized the first World Congress of Chess Composition in Piran, 1958. In 1974 Petrović was made an honorary lifelong president of PCCC.

As a composer he published some 650 problems, of which 121 were included in FIDE Albums. Many of them were records and tasks in chess composition.


Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1959 - 2nd prize
a b c d e f g h
8 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
Mate in 4 moves

Solution: 1.Qa6+!  Kxa6  (1. ... Kb4 2. Qd3 Nf6+ 3. Kc6 N~ 4. Qb5#)
              2. Kc6  N~ 3. b4  N~ 4. b5 #


  1. ^ PCCC, Grandmasters of chess composition

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